Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have a little catching up to do because I've had two appointments since I last wrote. Here's the news from three weeks ago:

I went to that appointment having had two shots instead of three because I forgot to give myself one over the weekend (yes, I really forgot).  My white blood cells were fine so I'm back to two shots.  The numbers may fluctuate but for now it's good news.

Dr. Kaplan called me a wonder child that day (Child? Really? I'll let it go --) and for you  baseball fans,  he said "star hitter" the next week because I'm tolerating the treatments well and showing consistent improvement.   I'm not sure what "wonder child" (or star hitter) translates to medically but it was nice to hear before I had my week off.

I'll probably have a scan the week of Labor Day and have some news by early the following week.  We all know it's going to be good -- we'll just have to see how good.

My friend Nancy, who also sees Dr. Kaplan, went to treatment with me recently. Her story is different than mine (she received a more difficult treatment for a different type of tumor and she's currently cancer free) but I found myself being more honest with her than anyone else I've talked to.  She was very positive, while still supporting my fears with similar stories of her own.

We had a special time at Cannon Beach, which has become one of our favorite places (we know where to get the best ice cream and salt water taffy -- what more do you need?).  I wish I could say I forgot I was sick but there were many reminders of "real life" and it made me sad that there were several differences between last year and this year.  I recently realized that I can never get away from this illness, even if I"m planning to, even if I'm participating in some of my normal activities, even if I'm temporarily distracted by the ocean.  I always feel different, both physically and emotionally. Something else to work through.

It was pretty wonderful to be away, have a change of scenery and watch the kids doing what they love.  Although I got tired more quickly than I planned and didn't feel well some of the time, I still played in the water,  built a sandcastle, went swimming and did more walking than I've done in a long time. No wonder I was tired!    

The kids enjoyed the ocean more this year (last year they were either afraid or in Daniel's case, thought it was too cold).  Daniel had no fear and although he did get drenched at one point, he eventually learned the rules. Ryan's favorite things were looking for shells (preferably orange) and rolling in the sand (he still has sand in his ears!). Olivia loved it all -- swimming, the ocean, the sand and our trips in to town.

As with everything these days, the moments seemed more precious and lessons were learned along the way.  I asked Dr. Kaplan where I might be at this time next year and he said it's possible (no promises --) that I'll be receiving treatment once a month. The good news is I  probably won't be receiving the one that makes me feel the worst. I can handle the side effects of the other two, assuming they stay the same. Unfortunately, even when the "yucky" chemo is done, I'll probably still be tired for a year.  But, tired is better than tired AND feeling bad! 

We're enjoying our last weeks of summer. Olivia has been in art camp this week and LOVES it. Soccer is next!


Gretchen Wednesday, August 18, 2010 11:02:00 AM  

Thanks for writing, Ricci! I was beginning to wonder what was going on over there. Sounds like things are going at least as good as you had hoped, and I pray for your energy and strength to stay up as you take in all the awesome times with your kidlets. :)

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