Saturday, November 27, 2010

There might be one or two things I'm not thankful for this Thanksgiving but
my gratitude list is much longer.

My list includes:

-James, who has always been an exceptional father and partner and is now
taking on some of my responsibilities.  He never complains and often says he
doesn't feel like he does enough.  I worry about him because I don't think
it's possible for him to take on more but I also know that he's driven to do
as much as he can to lighten my load, both physically and emotionally.

-James' job that allows him the flexibility to be here when he needs to and
the managers who understand why that's so important.

-My wonderful children who continue to surprise me with the depth of their
kindness and compassion and are daily reminders of why every step of this
fight is worth it.

-Our friends, family and even casual acquaintances who have stepped up in
ways beyond what we could have imagined and in ways that we can never repay.
As Christmas approaches, I wish I could give each of you a gift to let you
know how much you mean to us.  For now, know that you're in our prayers and
that we're touched by your kindness everyday.

-A church community who welcomed us from the first day we attended and
continues to be a shining example of what "giving" is. From people who
knew us just to say "hello" at church to friends we've made over the years,
they've all shown us what it means to care for someone else.

And the list goes on.  If I try to mention everything, I won't be
done until Christmas!

Blessings to all of you today as you share your own gratitude with those you


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