Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The weeks are going quickly.  So quickly that I barely remember my week off!   I know it was a combination of "normal" and trying to catch up with everything in my life.  I did see the ophthalmologist and my eyes are healthy, except for the temporary chemo side effects.  I asked the doctor if I can get new glasses or if my prescription will continue to change. He gave a long explanation about how the chemo affects my eyes but also said new glasses would be a good idea. YEA! I'm ready to see better and I'm also ready for a new look (like my hair isn't enough --). 

This week Dr. Kaplan asked how I was doing "other than medically", so I talked to him about some of my concerns, including that my prognosis must be affected by the sheer number of tumors I have.  He said that's not necessarily true, especially with breast cancer.  He gave the example of lung cancer, which often follows a predictable pattern.  There are many treatments and drugs available specifically for my kind of tumors, so the course is much less predictable (in a good way). No guarantees, but at this point there's no reason to think otherwise. I left his office feeling "lighter" than I have for a while.  Another reminder that I need to ask those questions.

My blood count is back where it should be.  For now, "3" is the magic number for shots. Week 2 of this treatment cycle was a rough one.  I still didn't feel well on Friday, which sometimes happens after week 3, but not usually after week 2.  I'm a little anxious about what the next few days will bring but at least I won't have treatment next week. When I feel better, I'll feel better for a while.  That thought actually made me smile. 

I'm going to have a CT on Friday and I'll get the results when I return to treatment on November 8.  This set should give a more accurate picture of how the chemo is working. I'm telling myself that the results won't be dramatically different than two months ago and Dr. Kaplan is just looking to see if there's been any change.  And there's no reason to think there hasn't been ---

I did find someone to talk to about my crazy life and emotions and I was also assigned a cancer buddy, although I haven't called her yet. It's hard to find a quiet time but I'm hoping to soon.

I participated in a breast cancer research study two weeks ago.  The study is looking at why some women under age 45 get breast cancer and others don't. They asked many detailed questions, some of which I couldn't accurately answer. Do you know how much you weighed when you were 12?  Or how many times you've had a fever over 102?  How about what medications you've been on since you were 18, including the dosage? I'm not sure if I came close on some of the questions but the researcher assured me it was okay. 

Olivia's birthday was Friday and she had a special weekend.  Thanks to everyone who made that possible by helping with preparations and/or sharing in the celebration.  Everyone is looking forward to Halloween, of course.  Watch for a darling Dora, Buzz Lightyear and "Super Why the Super Reader".    If you don't see them, I'll be sure to post pictures.   Enjoy your spooky weekend!


Unknown Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:36:00 AM  

You're not the only one feeling "lighter" by your discussion with Dr. Kaplan. I loved reading that. . . a very positive thing to keep in mind.

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