Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Although a lot has happened since I last wrote, this will be a short update because I'm typing with my left hand. Many of you know that I went for a walk on the 31st, slipped on an icy area and broke my wrist. I had surgery on the 18th because it wasn't healing properly. I know I'll be happy I did it, but who knew 3 little pins could cause so much pain?

From the beginning, I've had a cast that goes past my elbow, which limits what I can do. From big things like driving, to making myself pretty with hair and make-up, to taking the cap off the toothpaste. I think (hope!) everything will be easier when I get a short cast on January 28th.

I stopped receiving Avastin in December because my kidneys needed a break. I now go in for blood work and see Dr. Kaplan every 6 weeks and I'll continue to get scans every 3 months. As I told Dr. Kaplan, "Its great that I won't have that strong drug in my system.            But, its also nerve wracking!"

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to have my January PET scan with a bulky cast and continued discomfort, but my wrist felt a little better (pre-surgery!) and I was able to have one in mid-January. There's a small spot on one lymph node, but it's unclear what it is, so for now it will be monitored. Everything else looked good. If Dr. Kaplan isn't worried, then neither am I.

I'll write again when I can use both hands!


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